Our Relationship With McDonald’s

RMHC Founding Mission Partner since 1974


Ronald McDonald House Charities of Mississippi shares a name with McDonald’s and hundreds of Ronald McDonald House Charities Chapters around the world.

McDonald’s grants a legal license for trademark usage. In addition to hosting Donation Boxes at restaurant locations, McDonald’s nurtures each Chapter and provides guidance. They establish and share their friends with Ronald McDonald House Charities (i.e. Coca-Cola; La-Z-Boy; Tempur-Pedic.)

McDonald’s owners who reside in our local communities are our extended family.  Local owners through their restaurants present information to customers about RMHC programs and provide opportunities for customers to support our local Chapter.  McDonald’s owners support Chapter fundraising events and designate money from specific restaurant sales in support of RMHC Mississippi programs.

The greatest part about our family and Mission Partner is they encourage us to stand on our own.  But like most families, McDonald’s is standing by our side when we need them.